How to

How to Clean the Office Professionally in 6 Steps

How to Clean the Office Professionally in 6 Steps

1. Start from the shelves for books

Remove all the books, don’t pass it in a slipshod manner and thoroughly clean the accumulated dirt all over the shelf. Pick up garbage from all sides. After that clean the books, not page by page, but at least wipe the covers with a dry cloth. This will remove the accumulated dust and make you bookshelves look like new. For the shelf you can use a cleanser but it is very important to specifying the material from which it is made of. If the material is wood, then use a cleaner for wood and so on.

2. Clean the workplaces

This is a very complex task. The workplace can have a special order, which you memorized with the time and know exactly where everything is. The main aim of the exercise is to clean it so well so it doesn’t show that you have touched it. The question is – how to do this? As a cleaning step by step. First clean the empty surface with a damp cloth, and if you find that it’s needed use the same cleaner, as in the bookshelf. Then start with the space around the objects. Take the first one, clean under it, around it and the object itself. The last one is very important, no matter if it is a cube of notes or organizer for pens and pencils, even the mouse and the computer keyboard. Many people make the mistake only to pick up the object and clean around it but this shows perfunctory attitude and it’s not the purpose of the cleaning. Do not forget to clean under the workplace, as well as its sides. Everything should look fine and the proper detergent will do exactly this. If you want you can search for a cleanser with a fragrance, so your office will smell of freshness.

3. Clean all equipment which is in the office

And I mean all of it – computer, telephone, printer, fax and so on and so forth. They are the objects which most easily collect dust in the office. But there’s one small catch – you need a special cloth. However, this is a technique and it’s not a good idea to wipe it with hot water. You need a microfiber cloth to rob all the dust on machines and erase every trace of dirt. The microfiber cloth should be slightly moist, the use of a cleanser is not needed and the result still will be excellent.

4. Vacuum cleaning of the furniture

This may seem easy in words, but to have a professional cleaning, you should do it like a pro. How to do this? You should use the vacuum cleaner attachment with hairs. You have chairs or armchair, on which every day sit down customers or important business agents, this means that you should regularly clean the chairs and furniture, including flooring. With the attachment with hairs (let’s call it so), carefully pass through the whole furniture, paying attention mostly of the narrow places and where can be gathered small particles fallen from someone’s pockets. If you have wooden chairs, consider using varnish or refresher that will give a new shine on the wood. The same goes for furniture made of metal, but for them it is good to take a degreaser and remove the dirt with a microfiber cloth.

5. Clean the luminaires

The desk lamps, chandelier, bulbs, anything that contributes to more light in your office, even the windows, as for them it is advisable to use a glass cleaner and suitable cloth. They are also items which attracts the dust and dirt. You should not miss any one place, because this will become apparent in the background of everything else.

6. Time to aromatize the office

Now, after you have cleaned everything, you can put a freshener or those wooden sticks resembling a Chinese freshener. The choice how to aromatize the office is yours. If you want discreet and fragrance, one spraying freshener is enough.

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