Useful Tips

9 Golden Rules for Cleaning

9 Golden Rules for Cleaning

Better sooner than later

The stains on every surface can be removed much more easily if you clean it in time. If you wait for the stain to dry, the removal will become very difficult, and in some cases even impossible. Regardless if there is a stain on the carpet, curtains or kitchen counter, the more you wait, the harder it becomes. There are of course exceptions – in case of inserting shoes with mud on the carpet, stains can be cleaned more easily if they are withered.

Clean from the top downwards

When cleaning, try not to neglect the gravity, as you will double the cleaning time. If you clean the entire house, start from the top floor (if it has a few floors) and work downwards to avoid the risk of transmission of dirt from one room to another. During cleaning of a concrete room, start by removing the cobwebs from the ceiling and upper walls, then clean the attic fan and luminaires, followed by window frames and accessories on the walls. Working downwards, complete cleaning of furniture, sills and floor. This method of cleaning reduces the risk of dust accumulation on sites that have already been cleaned (unless the dust is lifted up when cleaning), saving you repeated passage of these places. Likewise, when cleaning the windows or the mirrors, work top – down because detergents are flocking in this direction. An exception to this rule is the washing of walls – if you start top, dirty water you will drip down on sites that are not cleaned, creating spots that are difficult to remove.

First clean in a dry then add water

When cleaning a room, start with activities that require the use of dry cleaning methods (dusting, sweeping and vacuuming). Only then switch to methods that use water, because otherwise the dust would settle on the wet surfaces.

Start with the softest methods

Start with a soft cleaning method and gradually shift to more aggressive ones. Remember that you need to know when to stop cleaning, to avoid damaging the surface – hence the well gradually increase the aggressiveness of the cleaning, to see at what stage you will achieve results. It is better, for example, to gradually clean the stains on the kitchen counter, though that you take more time than to start directly with an abrasive, damaging the surface.

Let the time be your assistant

One little trick in the distribution of time can make the cleaning fast and easy. When planning your approach to cleaning, remember to put in the early use of detergents (unless the label is set to a shorter time). So, while you perform other tasks, preparations will have time to fully work and the cleaning will be much easier.

Take the necessary things with you

During the cleaning of large areas bring with you basic tools and materials – this will economize your time from unnecessary walking forward – back to take the necessary things. You can even stock up with a small cart on wheels in which you can place the needed stuff, but even the work apron with many pockets would run not a bad job. But remember – do not bother lugging things that you need only once.

Do not overdo with water at a delicate objects or materials

If you clean an object or surface that can be damaged by liquids (like electronics, monitors, framed paintings, flooring, etc.), first apply a liquid/detergent on a cloth and then clean the belongings. If you apply the detergent directly on the surfaces such as spray, it is a risk to damage it by using the excessive liquid.

Follow the instructions

The manufacturers of furniture and accessories know best how to clean it, so try not to experiment on your head in this direction. The same goes for cleaning products whose labels gives detail description of their use. Perhaps some manufacturers tend to exaggerate and to reinsure through the instructions, but ignoring them can bring you too much trouble, including health ones.

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